Monday, November 9, 2009

Taking a deep breath...

This is just a quick update to say:

1) I am still alive.
2) I have not forgotten my blog.

The essay that I just posted below is the product of a couple late nights and early mornings. It was crammed in between a bunch of other things, and a good deal of it was written in my hotel room in Cincinnati. is what it is. Not the greatest, but it had to be submitted!

The last couple weeks were absolutely insane, but I'm finally caught up and able to take a breath! I may post later about my life, including the conference in Ohio (or not, you know how I am about blogging), especially if I can find videos or pictures.


Anonymous said...

I am so proud of you! I checked out of habit, and was delighted to see a new post! Keep it up, and I'm glad you had a good trip to Ohio . . .

Anonymous said...

Wow, thank you! We need to talk soon, maybe on skype?